Partnering with Researchers to Advance Blood Safety
Vitalant is not only a nationwide provider of red cells and blood products, but also is committed to advancing blood safety research worldwide. One of the ways we accomplish this is by partnering with researchers to provide pharmaceutical and research grade blood and blood components that are customized to their research needs and specifications.
The Research Institute’s collaborations with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Centers for Disease Control (CDC), National Institutes of Health (NIH) and World Health Organization (WHO), among many others, have supported translational research and development and led to advances in areas including infectious disease and blood screening.
Vitalant’s cell sourcing offerings include:
- Blood products to support preclinical and basic research.
- Beta-testing of collection and processing systems.
- Whole blood, red blood cells (RBC) in additive solution, apheresis platelets, plasma, and cryoprecipitate.
- Component processing, irradiation, and client-specific additive solutions.
- Infectious disease screening and bacterial testing of blood products.
- Blood product collected from subjects under an IRB-approved protocol in Denver, CO and San Francisco, CA — which can be shipped anywhere in the United States.

Questions about research cell sourcing? Contact 303-363-2448 or email For clinical-grade cell sourcing please contact For product or service inquires please use the contact us form.