Apheresis Collections

Vitalant Research Institute Apheresis Collection
Blood products for research offerings include these apheresis collections:
- Research whole blood
- Research apheresis including platelets, plasma and RBC-unit platelets
- Leukopheresis (Leukopak Collection)
- Whole blood samples
Allogeneic blood donor de-identified products:
- Leukoreduction Chamber from Apheresis Collections
- Trima Residual from Apheresis Collections
- Expired Red Blood Cells
- Plasma
- Expired Platelets
Therapeutic Apheresis
Our accredited Clinical Therapeutic Apheresis labs can provide Mononuclear cells (MNC) for a number of established and experimental cellular therapies, including enrichment and expansion, regenerative medicine, and immunization.Learn More

Questions about existing test results? Contact 412-209-7290, or email jsevcik@vitalant.org. For product or service inquires please use the contact us form.