Apheresis Collections
Vitalant can provide blood products for research through Mononuclear cell (MNC) apheresis collection services at Vitalant Research Institute and through our Clinical Therapeutic Apheresis services. Our research blood products include research grade blood and blood components collected using FDA-approved collection methods.

Cell Therapy Processing & Storage
Vitalant’s cellular therapy processing and storage services support blood and marrow transplants for patients undergoing treatment for certain cancers, via hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) collections and cord blood. The cellular therapy laboratory is AABB and Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy (FACT) accredited, while our public/private Cord Blood Services is AABB and FDA accredited.

Cell Characterization
Vitalant Health clinical laboratories can provide both standard and customized cell characterization assays for research and translational studies. Read more about what we offer through our HLA labs and Cellular Therapy Laboratory (CTL).

Cell Sourcing
Through our Vitalant Research Institute (VRI), Vitalant supports the advancement of blood safety research worldwide by providing products and services for clients including blood products for research, as well as testing, processing and screening support services to assist researchers, diagnostic laboratories, pharmaceutical and biotech companies and more.